Legal Info

Contact / Content Manager:
Loomis International Corporate AG
Steinackerstrasse 29
8302 Kloten / Switzerland
Tel. +41 44 804 9500

Entry in the Commercial Register:
Company Name:Loomis International Corporate AG
Registration Number: CHE-106.825.583
Place of Jurisdiction: Bülach / Switzerland

VAT Number:

Loomis International Corporate AG (hereinafter: the company) in no way accepts liability for the integrity, accuracy timeliness, reliability, quality and completeness of information contained on its website. We shall not be liable for damage of any kind whatsoever, material or non-material, arising from access by the user, usage or non-usage of published data, improper usage of the connection or technical issues. All our offers are non-binding. The company expressly reserves the right to alter, to add or to suppress portions of the site or the whole offer without preliminary notice or to discontinue the site temporarily or definitively.

Linking to other websites:
We take no responsibility for any reference or links to other websites belonging to third parties. The access and use of these Internet websites is at a user's sole risk.

Copyright and all other rights relating to the content, illustrations, photos and other files contained on the website are held exclusively by the company or the right holders expressly mentioned. The reproduction of any element whatsoever is subject to preliminary authorization of the copyright holder in writing.

Data protection:
Pursuant to Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and its provisions relating to data protection (Data Protection Act (DPA)), everyone is entitled to the protection of his or her privacy and personal data. The company complies with these provisions. Personal data are processed in strict confidentiality and are in no way sold or transmitted to third parties. In close collaboration with our web hosts, every effort is made to protect databases against access by third parties, loss, data misuse and falsification. When accessing our websites, the following data are recorded in our log files: IP address, date, hour, browser request and general information transmitted concerning the operating system and browser. These user data are utilized for anonymous statistical analyses in order to shed light on trends to enable us to improve our service.